Ir-Razzett ta' Ġanni
Ġanni l-bidwi razzett għandu,
fiħ irabbi l-annimali
mogħża u ħmara fiħ insibu
kif ukoll xr sitt majjali.
Għandu żiemel abjad kollu
baqra smina u tal-ħalib,
tigieg, fliesles u kelb iswed,
il ta' dawn l-ħabib.
John the farmer has a farmhouse,
there he keeps his herd and flock.
Has also a goat,a donkey,
and six piglets in his stock.
Has a horse as white as cotton,
a milking cow as fat can be,
Hens and chicken, a black dog,
a drink of milk he all gave he.
Ninni ninni ruħi ninni
Ninni ninni ruħi ninni,
fil-benniena tal-ħarir.
Għandek ommhok il-Madonna,
u missierek il Bambin
Sleep sleep my darling sleep,
in a cradle made of silk.
The Madonna is your mother
And Lord Jesus is your father.
Banni Bannożżii
Banni bannożżi,
gej it-tata gej.
Kollox għal-Baby
u għad-Daddy xejn
Banni banniżż
daddy is coming soon.
Everything for Baby
and for Daddy none at all
Maltese Tongue Twisters
Xolji Lingwa
Toni tagħna tani tina
talli tajtu tuta tajba.
Trid tarah lil Toni tagħna tiela’ it-tela tat-Tintillu.
‘Ta’ Toni, tin tlieta tonn. Tatinix tonn tinten, tin tonn tajjeb, ta’ Ton.’
Our Tony gave me a round fig.
because I gave him a good berry.
You should see our Tony climb the hill
'Hey Ton, give me 3 tuna fish.
Don't give me smelly tuna,
give me good tuna, ta' Ton'.
Għandi kaxxa ġugarelli
Għandi kaxxa ġugarelli,
din mimlija sa fuq nett,
Għandi l-pupa u l-karożża
u tat-te' jien għandi sett.
Ballun ckejken u safrani,
ors jiccaqlaq u vapur,
hemm xadina qisha ħajja,
pupa ħelu fuq mutur. .
I have a great big toy box,
full of toys as it can be.
A Barbie doll in her car,
and a set so I'll make tea.
A teddy bear and a boat,
and also a yellow ball.
Got a monkey and it moves,
a motorcycle with a doll.
Do you remember the game "Żibeġ"?
Maybe the answer is yes, but if you don't it was one of the traditional street games maybe
your nanna or nannu played as a child. These games are encouraged as part of Maltese
culture.Here is a link to those traditional games.
Maltese Language Videos